A hoop house (or high tunnel) is an unheated greenhouse structure usually made by stretching plastic over a skeleton of metal hoops in order to house several rows of crops across multiple seasons.
Our 30’x 60’ hoop house, located behind the Fitness and Wellness Center, provides ample space for diverse projects. A hoop house differs from the Jolly Garden because it can be used for all-season produce production. It provides the insulation and protection from harsh weather changes that would allow students to plant crops during fall quarter to harvest throughout winter quarter, significantly increasing students’ ability to produce food with efficiency and comprehension.

The Hoop House area is located in the field behind the Fitness and Wellness Center. Google Maps Location
Hoop House Stewards
The Hoop House and surrounding gardens are cared for by a variety of classes, Lee Arborgast (Hoop House Manager), student leadership positions with the Larry J. Bell ’80 Environmental Stewardship Center and the Mary Jane Stryker Underwood Center for Civic Engagement.
For more information or questions about the K College Hoop House Gardens, email EnvironmentalStewardship@kzoo.edu.
Social Media
Follow us on social media for updates on projects and events happening at the Hoop House!
Fall and Spring Hours
Drop-in Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30-6pm. Stop in and visit with Hoop House Interns, help out with projects, and harvest in-season produce.
Our Mother Corn Photo Monitoring
Please help us document Our Mother Corn this summer and fall by taking a picture on the photo bracket and uploading the photo through this form!